Reader Reminder:
In connection with his detainment, LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY is entitled to a speedy trial as prescribed by the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Oakland County is comprised of nearly 1.5 million people and is surrounded by populous other counties such as Genesee County, Lapeer County, Livingston County, Macomb County, Wayne County, Washtenaw County.
The task of policing such a dense area is arduous, stressful, and complicated.
Please do not assume that LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY committed any offense until a jury makes such a determination.
It could require many weeks or perhaps even months until that day comes as both the State and LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY will be entitled to conduct discovery and
depose any witnesses that could shed light, if not completely exonerate LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY, of the offense that law enforcement suspected him of committing.
We endeavor to further the transparency that is necessary for any government to function properly and sincerely hope that the information on this page is helpful to you
and deepens your appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the men and women charged with ensuring the safety of all citizens of Oakland County, Michigan.
Date Of This Report:
Identification Number:
Gender (Male/Female):
Detention Facility:
Reason / Charge(s):
Legal Disclaimer:
Every criminal justice defendant in the State of Michigan and throughout the United States of America is innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law.
The people whose names appear on this website, such as LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY, have only been detained by a law enforcement officer in the State of Michigan.
Oakland County is the second‑largest county in the State of Michigan, behind only Wayne County.
Therefore, there likely are many people in Oakland County by the name of LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY.
So please double‑check carefully that this page is displaying information for the LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY for whom you are searching.
And remember that an arrest is not a conviction.
Everyone in Oakland County, Michigan, and the U.S.A. is entitled to due process and to be adjudicated by a jury of his peers.
The inclusion of LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY on this page does mean that LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY has been convicted of any crime at
the time this report was published by our company. The Clerk of Court in Oakland County makes public all manner of files created by judges, police officers,
and other civil servants, including this report that LAKYRA SHANICE PERRY was detained on or about 09-19-2020.